Timo Vuorikoski
Timo Vuorikoski paints traditional portraits. He consciously has the painterly portrait tradition of the Baroque as his ideal. One of the key aspects of his portraiture is decorum, that is, the principle of presenting the sitter in a respectful way in a role and in an environment that are typical for the sitter. The aim of his portraits is to achieve a realistic likeness of the sitter while making a point of keeping a distance to a representation that looks like a photograph. His portraits have a narrow colour scale that is based on a few broken earth colours, with a few single, rather strong accented colours. The sitter is mostly presented as half figure in such a way that both hands are visible. The overall picture is governed by the traditional triangle composition, with the principles of the golden ratio often present as well.
In spite of the fact that the art historical roots of Vuorikoski's official commissioned portraits go back to the 17th century, it is important for him that his portraits do not try to imitate the stylistic features of the old artistic period, or the lighting solutions of chiaroscuro; instead, his style consists of the ideals of a harmonious, yet down-to-earth and modern portraiture, with the sitter standing or sitting in natural, cold daylight, where the plasticity of the shape and the three dimensional space have been observed and depicted in a realistic manner. Furthermore, it is important for Vuorikoski that the traces of the artist's way of working and the brush technique are visible in all their richness.
Timo Vuorikoski has two studios in Finland, one in Tampere and another one near Helsinki. He also has a studio for portrait painting in Venice, where he spends the winters according to the timetable of the commissions. While it is convenient to paint the portraits in the artist's studio, they have been painted, when necessary, at least partly at the sitters' workplace or their home.
The time required to finish the portrait depends on the sitter's and the artist's calendar. In an ideal situation, the time needed is approximately six months, and there are about ten sessions with the painter, each taking about two hours.
In contemporary art discourse it has become fashionable to talk about the death of painting, and in particular about the death of portrait painting. Yet, for the past 600 years, portrait painting has been one of the most common branches of art. Therefore it is natural, and historically correct to think that in our times, too, it is still possible to cultivate and develop portraiture; after all, the most essential artistic and technical qualities are more or less standard. These are the principles along which Vuorikoski wishes to approach portrait painting.
A Few words about
Vuorikoski's painting technique
The portraits by Timo Vuorikoski are oil paintings on canvas. The method is known as multi-layer painting where the picture is constructed layer by layer, making for a luminous, transparent surface consisting of thin layers of colors that allow the lower layers to be partly visible, or translucent, through the upper layers. This traditional method of working makes it possible to distinguish between the highlights and the deepest shadows, as well as the light areas and semishadows between them. The aim of this method that focuses on the modulation of color and tone is to achieve plasticity that is of primary importance for a realistic likeness or equivalence between the sitter and the portrait.
The modulation of color and tone as applied by Vuorikoski is not, however, based on monochromatic underpainting (grisaille) that uses tempera or acrylic. Instead, local colors are included right from the start in a way that allows the colors to merge and become part of the canvas structure through the process of polishing and scraping the painted surface, creating a kind of raster-like optical effect. This optical, translucent effect is combined with the free brush technique, and in lighted areas, the highlight areas in particular, there can be even thick layers of paint, the end result being a kind of combination of alla prima painting and multi-layer painting.
The main features of this method are based on the French ébauche technique favoured by the late 19th century realistic studio tradition. The active spokesperson and academic teacher of this method was Thomas Couture (Méthode et entretiens d'atelier, Paris, 1867). Couture's famous students included Henri Fantin-Latour and Puvis de Chavannes whose influence is strongly visible in the works of the Finnish Golden Age at the end of 19th century. The most famous student of Couture was perhaps Edouard Manet who further developed the ébauche method in a more modern and colourful direction. Timo Vuorikoski adopted this method of painting his portraits from his Finnish teacher Tuomas von Boehm who combined chiaroscuro elements with a Spanish influence with Couture's French technique in his underpainting.
Commissioned Portraits
➝ Wikipedia
Commissioned byPresidential Palace
SitterMrs. Eeva Ahtisaari, 1995
Commissioned byThe National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
SitterGeneral Director Pekka Puska, 2010
Commissioned byMannerheimin Lastensuojeluliitto ry
SitterProfessor Tuula Tamminen, 2011
Commissioned byUniversity of Helsinki
SitterRector Päiviö Tommila, 1993
Commissioned byUniversity of Helsinki
SitterProfessor Anto Leikola, 1997
Commissioned byUniversity of Helsinki
SitterProfessor Aulis Aarnio, 2010
Commissioned byUniversity of Helsinki
SitterProfessor Jaakko Tuominen, 1991
Commissioned byUniversity of Helsinki
SitterProfessor Esko Häkli, 2002
SitterPoet Juhan Liiv, 1965
Commissioned byJohn Nurminen Ltd.
SitterChairman of the Boards Juha Nurminen, 2008
Commissioned byFinnish Cultural Foundation
SitterChancellor Risto Ihamuotila
Commissioned byKemira Ltd.
SitterManaging Director Lasse Kurkilahti, 2008
Commissioned byFortum Ltd.
SitterMinister Kimmo Sasi
Commissioned byNokia Corporation
SitterChairman of the Supervisory Board Casimir Ehrnrooth, 1998
Commissioned byHuhtamäki Ltd.
SitterVuorineuvos Timo Peltola
Commissioned byPääkaupunkiseudun yhteistyövaliokunta YTV
SitterLord Mayor Kari Rahkamo, 2001
Commissioned byConfederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI)
SitterChairman of the Board Kauko Rastas, 1993
Commissioned byFinnish Paper Workers' Union
SitterChairman of the Board Antero Mäki
Commissioned byFinnish Paper Workers' Union
SitterChairman of the Board Jarmo Lähteenmäki
Commissioned byWerner Söderström Ltd. (WSOY)
SitterProfessor Anto Leikola, 1997
Commissioned byWSOY Literature Foundation
SitterGeneral Director Antero Siljola, 2003
Commissioned byOtava Publishing Company Ltd.
SitterProfessor Manu Renko
Commissioned byOtavamedia Ltd.
SitterManaging Director Pauli Leimio, 2001
Commissioned byOtava Publishing Company Ltd.
SitterPresident of the Board Olli Reenpää, 2006
Commissioned byKaleva Printing House
SitterManaging Director Martti Ursin, 1999
SitterGovernor Risto Tainio
Commissioned byLapua Diocese Chapter
SitterBishop Jorma Laulaja, 2003
Commissioned byKouvola Court of Appeal
SitterPresident of the Court of Appeal Jussi Kivinen, 2005
Commissioned byUniversity of Eastern Finland
SitterRector Ossi Lindqvist, 2006
Commissioned byUniversity of Eastern Finland
SitterRector Petteri Paronen, 2010
SitterRector Antti Tanskanen, 1996
Commissioned byCooperative Bank Kainuu
SitterManaging Director Kari Sissala, 2007
SitterManaging Director Simo Castrén
SitterManaging Director Harri Kainulainen
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterMayor Timo P. Nieminen, 2013
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterDeputy Mayor Pekka Ilveskoski, 1982
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterMember of the City Council Yrjö Silo, 1983
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterDeputy Mayor Pentti Halonen
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterChairman of the Board Alpo Korkeela, 1996
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterDeputy Mayor Reijo Hautala, 2001
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterChairman of the Board Seppo Salminen, 2000
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterDeputy Mayor Vesa Kauppinen, 2004
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterChief Education Officer Alpo Reinivaara, 1997
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterDirector of Basic Education Ulla Liljeström, 2006
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterDirector of International Affairs Pertti Paltila, 2006
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterRector Matti Olas, 2000
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterDirector Lasse Eskonen, 2012
Commissioned byCity of Tampere
SitterDirector Esa Kotilahti, 2009
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere
SitterChancellor Krista Varantola, 2012
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere
SitterDirector of Administration Yrjö Silo
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere
SitterRector Jaakko Uotila, 1988
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere
SitterDirector of Administration Timo Lahti, 2006
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere/The Department of Medicine
SitterProfessor Amos Pasternack, 1996
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere/The Department of Medicine
SitterProfessor Juhani Pukander
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere/The Department of Medicine
SitterProfessor Leena Lindgren, 2006
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere/The Department of Medicine
SitterProfessor Markku Mäki
Commissioned byUniversity of Tampere/The Department of Social Sciences
SitterProfessor Aulis Aarnio, 2004
Commissioned byTampere University Hospital
SitterChairman of the Board Pekka Paavola
Commissioned byTampere University Hospital
SitterProfessor Ossi Auvinen, 2006
SitterRector Osmo Hassi
SitterRector Markku Kivikoski, 2014
Commissioned byTampere Diocese Chapter
SitterBishop Paavo Kortekangas, 2000
Commissioned byTampere Diocese Chapter
SitterBishop Juha Pihkala, 2003
Commissioned byTampereen puhelin Ltd.
SitterChairman of the Board Pekka Terho
Commissioned byInsinöörioppilastalo Ltd.
SitterManaging Director Matti J. Mäkelä, 2008
Commissioned byTampere Parish
SitterArchpriest Voitto Silfverhuth, 2014
Commissioned byTampere Parish
SitterArchpriest Timo Saarelma, 1987
Commissioned byThe Council of Tampere Region
SitterRegion Mayor Jussi Niemi, 2007
Commissioned byTampere Conservatoire
SitterRector of the Tampere Conservatoire Leonid Bashmakov, 1992
Commissioned byTampere Conservatoire
SitterRector of the Tampere Conservatoire Lauri Siimes, 1999
Commissioned byTampereen Särkänniemi Ltd.
SitterManaging Director Olavi Joenpolvi, 2005
Commissioned byPyynikki Parish
SitterProvost Aulis Raunio
Commissioned byUPM Raflatac Ltd./Tampere UPM-Kymmene
SitterManaging Director Juhani Strömberg, 2002
Commissioned byTTT-Theatre
SitterChairman of the Board Matti Länsiö
Commissioned byThe Tampere Theatre
SitterDirector Rauli Lehtonen
Commissioned byThe Tampere Theatre
SitterChairman of the Board Arto Sola
Commissioned byThe Tampere Sauna Foundation, Hotel Victoria
SitterDeputy Mayor Sampo Toni, 1987
Commissioned byMunicipality of Pirkkala
SitterMunicipal Manager Risto Koivisto
Commissioned byMunicipality of Pirkkala
SitterChairman of the Municipal Council Raimo Lehtinen, 2006
Commissioned byMunicipality of Pirkkala
SitterChairman of the Municipal Board Antero Saksala
Commissioned byMunicipality of KANGASALA
SitterDirector of the Municipality Jukka Mäkelä, 2014
Commissioned byCity of Valkekoski
SitterThe Mayor of the City Pentti Kataja
Commissioned byCity of Nokia
SitterThe Mayor of the City Matti Varanki
Commissioned byCity of Nokia
SitterThe Mayor of the City Antti Punkari
Commissioned byCity of Nokia
SitterThe Mayor of the City Markku Rahikkala, 2007
Commissioned byCity of Ylöjärvi
SitterPrimary Health Care Director Kari Virta, 2013
Commissioned byCity of Ylöjärvi
SitterChairman of the City Board Kari Peltola, 2012
Commissioned byMunicipality of Lempäälä
SitterChairman of the Board Veikko Kivelä
Commissioned byYlöjärvi Parish
SitterVicar Antero Honkkila, 2004
Commissioned byCity of Kajaani
SitterThe Mayor of the City Erkki Vähämaa, 2009
Commissioned byCity of Joensuu
SitterThe Mayor of the City Juhani Meriläinen, 2010
Commissioned byCentral Organisation for Motor Trades and Repairs
SitterChairman of the Board Matti Pörhö, 2010
Commissioned byFinnish Fur Sales (Saga Furs Ltd.)
SitterCEO Pirkko Rantanen-Kervinen, 2010
Commissioned byPrivate Collection
SitterMrs. Anneli Latvanen, 2008
Commissioned byPrivate Collection
SitterMP, Member of the Municipal Council Rose-Marie Björkenheim, 2009
Commissioned byOP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative
SitterChairman of the Supervisory Board Paavo Haapakoski, 2013
Commissioned byCooperative Bank Savitaipale
SitterManaging Director Martti Valtonen, 2009
Commissioned byCooperative Bank Savitaipale
SitterProfessor Seppo Penttinen, 2009
Commissioned byCooperative Raahe
SitterChairman of the Supervisory Board Paavo Haapakoski, 2008
Commissioned byPrivate Collection
SitterManaging Director Sirkka Isotalo, 2014
Commissioned byMedilaser Ltd.
SitterMedical Specialist Petri Oksman, 2011
Commissioned byReima Ltd.
SitterManaging Director Pentti Hurmerinta, 2014
Commissioned byKuortti Companies
SitterTraffic Contractor Raimo Kuortti, 1999
Commissioned byKuortti Companies
SitterMrs. Helvi Kuortti
Commissioned bySuomen Turkistehdas
SitterManaging Director M. Jokinen, 1981
Commissioned byFP-Tuotteet Ltd.
SitterManaging Director Aarno Almusa, 1995
Register of the Artists’ Association of Finland, Finnish Painters' Union,
Tampere Artists’ Association, Himmelblau Printmaking Studio